I love March, mainly because it is my birthday month and growing up as a self appointed princess, the month is MINE! March always started off with my birthday, which you can stretch out for a week to 10 days and then by mid-March it was Spring Break. It made for the perfect month. My b-day money always supported killer Spring break outings in college. Ahhhh memories!
These days, March looks a little different. As an adult, I am lucky if I can get a full day dedicated to me and spring break is dead. I know that sounds harsh, but as I am sitting here sick on March 1, 2011 I feel the magic is slipping away. But don't feel too sorry for me, I am spending a weekend in Paso Robles with the hubby.
The past few weeks have been difficult in the work out/training arena. A long food-fueled weekend in Portland followed by over a week-long cold, February did not end well. So I am rededicating my self to training and healthy eating! I read the best way to keep a goal is to tell your family and friends. So blogsephere, here it is March will be healthier and more active month.
Happy March, I hope you have a great month!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!